Thursday, December 26, 2013


The three-color national flag of Azerbaijan was accepted by the government of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan on November 9, 1918. After the collapse of the Democratic Republic in April 28, 1920 and the establishment of the Soviet regime this flag was relinquished in Azerbaijan. Yet the flag was restored by the order of the Supreme Medjlis of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and was declared the national flag of the Autonomous Republic on November 17,1990. At the same time the Supreme Medjlis of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic petitioned to the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR for recognition of the three-color flag the national flag of Azerbaijan.

The Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan Republic considered the petition of the Supreme Medjlis of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and approved the three-color flag the national flag of the Azerbaijan Republic on February 5, 1991.

The national flag of the Azerbaijan Republic consists of three equal strips. The upper strip is of


Today, we would like to talk about a miraculous country of Azerbaijan with its unlimited natural resources, centuries-old culture, history and ancient people, whose lifestyle presents a unique and harmonious combination of the traditions and ceremonies of different cultures and
Azerbaijan is a geographical name. On the one hand this name is linked with the population, which lived in this region for thousand of years before our era, and who were mostly fire-worshippers. Local population considered that fire was their God and so they worshipped the fire. "Azer" means fire. The Turkic name "Azer" was used for this territory for a long time. The word "Azer" consists of two parts - "az" and "er". In Turkic languages, "az" means a good intention and a fate of success. Thus, the word "Azer" means "a brave man", "a brave boy", "the fire keeper". The word "Azerbaijan" originates from the name of an ancient Turkish tribe, who resided in those territories.
Azerbaijan is one of the most ancient sites of humankind. The humankind was present here at every stage of their historical development. There were living settlements in Azerbaijan even at the earliest stages of humankind. Azerbaijan made its own contribution into the establishment of the current culture and civilization, progress and dialectics.

Speech by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the inauguration ceremony

- Dear ladies and gentlemen.

First of all, I would like to thank my dear people of Azerbaijan for showing me great confidence and electing me President. I want to assure the people of Azerbaijan that I will continue doing everything in my power for the comprehensive development of our country and prosperity of our people, and faithfully serve our nation.

Azerbaijan celebrated the Day of State Independence yesterday. I consider that the presidential election and the results of this election represent yet another assessment of our state independence on the part of the people. The presidential election fully reflects the will of the Azerbaijani people. The election has been held in a transparent, free and fair manner and the outcomes of this election reflect the will of the people of Azerbaijan. Thus, the people of Azerbaijan have given the highest assessment to the work done in the last 10 years.


Azerbaijani music was developing through the centuries. The traces of ancient music of Azerbaijan were found in a number of monuments, excavated in time of archeological digs, as well as in rock carvings of Gobustan (18-3 millennium B.C) and Gemigaya (3-1 millennium B.C). Kitabi Dede Gorgud (8th century), creative works of Nizami, Fizuli provide full coverage of medieval music art, music genres and music instruments. The records of such prominent medieval scientists of Azerbaijan as Sefiaddin Urmevi (18 century), Abdulgadir Maragai (17 century), Mir Movsum Nevvab (19 century) pointed out the highly developed art and culture of music and mastery performance and cited theoretical issues of music in medieval Azerbaijan.

The first written monument of our country epos Kitabi Dede Gorgut , containing several chapters, related to music and citing the names of different musical instruments, testifies that out music art possesses ancient history.
Mir Movsum Nevvab Garabagi
The first book on music dates back to the 13th century. Two prominent scientists and musicians of Azerbaijan Sefieddin Urmevi (1217-1294) and Abdulqadir Maraghai made a great contribution to the development of theory of Near and Middle Eastern music in the 13-15th centuries. Booklets Kitabi el-Edvar and Seferiyye by Urmevi established the science of music of Azerbaijan and laid the foundation for its further development. Urmevi entered the history of Azerbaijan as the founder of the school "System" and tabulator science. The system musical notation, created by Urmevi, was the most perfect system of that period

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


532-ca8afcce938a7c6745ba1b4102363cb1The Nagorno Karabakh conflict became as one of the most tragic conflicts in the history of XX century and affected the destiny of millions. This conflict provoked in 1988 retains still its hostile status because the Armenian side believes that the conflict is the antagonistic one and runs by its own rule “either all or nothing”. Backstage-minded events which were out of the public limelight have paved the way to the open and precedent like phase of the conflict. This hidden and latent part of the story has been unfolding in long lasting activities of some Armenian public figures in the Soviet Union and the Armenian Diaspora abroad. The Armenian side has cared for years to deteriorate the hostile situation by having pondering on the ethnocratic nature of its plot. The ethnocratism has been intended to enable the realization of the Armenian goals at the expense of other peoples. It aimed the following irredentist idea – to attach the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (established in 1923) of the Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic to the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. First patterns of the irredentist idea (so-called “miatsum”) formed for many years have got its shape during mass rallies in Yerevan in Autumn 1987 where the public demands to subordinate NKAO (Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast) to the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic

Visual arts of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani art includes one of the oldest art objects in the world, which were discovered as Gamigaya Petroglyphs in the territory ofOrdubad Rayon are dated back to the 1st to 4th centuries BC. About 1500 dislodged and carved rock paintings with images of deer, goats, bulls, dogs, snakes, birds, fantastic beings and also people, carriages and various symbols had been found out on basalt rocks. Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl was convinced that people from the area went to Scandinavia in about 100 AD and took their boat building skills with them, and transmuted them into the Viking boats in Northern Europe.

Geography Azerbaijan

Three physical features dominate Azerbaijan: the Caspian Sea, whose shoreline forms a natural boundary to the east; the Greater Caucasus mountain range to the north; and the extensive flatlands at the country's center. There are also three mountain ranges, the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, and the Talysh Mountains, together covering approximately 40 percent of the country. The highest peak of Azerbaijan is mount Bazardüzü (4,466 m), while the lowest point lies in the Caspian Sea (−28 m). Nearly half of all the mud volcanoes on Earth are concentrated in Azerbaijan, which was also among nominees for New7Wonders of Nature.Azerbaijan is in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia, straddling Western Asia and Eastern Europe. It lies between latitudes 38° and42° N, and longitudes 44° and 51° E. The total length of Azerbaijan's land borders is 2,648 km (1,645 mi), of which

Caucasian AlbaniaCaucasian Albania

Albania (LatinAlbāniaGreekἈλβανίαAlbanía,,in Old ArmenianԱղուանք Ałuankʿ (Aguank),ParthianArdhanMiddle PersianArran; usually referred to as Caucasian Albania for disambiguation with the modern state of Albania; the native name for the country is unknown is a name for the historical region of the eastern Caucasus, that existed on the territory of present-day republic of Azerbaijan (where both of its capitals were located) and partially southern Dagestan.
After the rise of the Parthian Empire the kings of Caucasian Albania were replaced with a Arsacid family and would later be succeeded by another Iranian royal family in the 5th century AD, the Mihranids.The Parthian name was Ardhan (Middle PersianArran). The Arabic was ar-Rān.. The name of the country in the language of the native population, the Caucasian Albanians, is not known..

Mubariz Ibrahimov – National Hero of Azerbaijan

National Hero of Azerbaijan ,Mubariz Ibrahimov,has tragically  died on the frontline,defending his motherland.Future soldiers was born in a small Aliabat village in Bilesuvar region of Azerbaijan.The doors of his home are now always open-people just won’y stop coming.They come to express their condolences to the hero’s parents.In his last letter Mubariz I.asked his parents not to cry ,and to be proud instead-”Every evening i look at the occupied territories,and my heart is ready to explode,as i see these empty dead lands”,said Ibrahimov in one of his letters that was sent home.

History of Azerbaijan-Bronze to Iron Ages

The influence of ancient peoples and civilizations including the Sumerians and Elamites came to a crossroads in the territory of Azerbaijan. A variety of Caucasian peoples appear to be the earliest inhabitants of the South Caucasus with the notable Caucasian Albanians being their most prominently known representative.
In the 8th century BCE, the semi-nomadic Cimmerians and Scythians settled in the territory of kingdom of Mannai. The Assyrians also had a civilization that flourished to the west of Lake Urmia in the centuries prior to creation of Media and Albania. Most of the ancient documents and inscriptions used for historical analysis of the area come from the Assyrians and from the kingdom of Urartu. In dealing with the history of Azerbaijan, most western scholars refer to GreekArabRoman, and Persian sources.
Median Empire.
Caucasian Albanians are believed to be the earliest inhabitants of Azerbaijan.[2] Early invaders included the Scythians in the 9th century BCE.[3] The South Caucasus was eventually conquered by


The Establishment and Development of Azerbaijani Theater Azerbaijani Theatre is closely connected with the activity, life, festivities, wedding traditions, and outlook of the people. Ancient traditional ceremonies, such as "Sayachy", "Novruz", and "Gevsech" encompass theatrical elements such as choruses, dances, various archetypical characters, and dialogs in dramatic plays. The most important moment of the ceremony of Novruz, in the game "Kosa-Kosa", is the pattern of the theatrical plays. The game is characterized by a plot, dramatic moments, and actors in masks who wear special clothes. The episodes "Khan-Khan", "Dancing of Mutribs" ("mutrib" means "a boy in woman's dress"), "The Competition Between the Bride and Mother-In-Law" and others performed at wedding ceremonies reveal the importance of elements of games and performance. The elements of a stage theater are also strong in a widespread ceremony "Yugh", at the meetings of Ozans and Ashugs, in the scenes of "Zorxana", and in rope-dancers' shows.
Performances, which were present in ceremonies and games, played a great role in the development of independent national theater. The most widespread "Kosa-Kosa", "Garavelli", (one of the forms of stage theater), "Kilimarasy", "Shah Selim" (puppet shows), etc. testify that the national theater of Azerbaijan developed independently. Some of these performances were based on a predictable plot and were of game-like in nature, while others consisted of a satirical repertoire, reflecting a more mature stage of the national theater of Azerbaijan.
The national theater of Azerbaijan was marked by its realism and connection with the working masses. The repertoire of the national theater involved small ethical shows (fars). Such shows as "Kosa-Kosa", "Tapdiq choban" ("The Foundling Shepherd"), "Tenbel qardash" (" Lazy Brother", a three-act comedy), etc. were popular amongst the people. These performances are notable for their optimism. They mainly reflect everyday life and agriculture. The comedy developed into satire, criticizing the defects in people's work, life, and psychology.


Azerbaijani applied arts, especially carpet weaving, occupy a special place in the history of its national culture.
The most widespread folk art is carpet weaving. It made its way into the everyday life of the people of Azerbaijan and turned into a symbol for the nation. Because of their high aesthetic value, fleecy and pileless carpets, decorated with various patterns and signs, are used to decorate the walls and floors of marquees, huts, homes, nomads' tents, and other buildings.
Regarding the results of archeological excavations and historical records, carpet weaving was shown to have occurred in Azerbaijan during the Bronze Age (the end of the 2nd millennium to the beginning of the 1st millennium BCE). The ancient history of carpet weaving is evidenced by a clay figure of a horse with its horse-cloth decorated with flowers, found in Maku city in Southern Azerbaijan (dates to the 2nd millennium BCE) as well as a golden plate picturing a lion with a decorated cloth found in the hills near Hasanulu on the coast of Lake Urmiya (1st millennium BCE).
Archeological excavations in Mingechevir unearthed the remnants of palases (carpets without pile) and carpets in catacombs dating back to the 1st -3rd centuries.
Herodotus, Claudio Ptolemy, Ksenofond, and other ancient historians provided information regarding the development of carpet weaving traditions in Azerbaijan. During the reign of the Sasanies (3rd - 7th centuries) this art was steadily developing in Azerbaijan, in which carpets were made of silk and golden-silken threads. Albanian historian, Musa Kalankatli (7th century), provided accounts of silken clothes and multi-color carpets. Weaving of carpets with golden-silken threads and jeweled decorations became a traditional activity during the 16th - 17th centuries. Carpets without piles were woven mainly in Tebriz, Shamakhi and Barda. These very expensive carpets woven for the feudals were called zerbaf. Anthony Jackinson, who visited Azerbaijan in the 16th century reported that carpets were woven of golden-silken threads in the summer residence of Abdulla khan in Shamakhi. The Dutch traveler Yan Straits (17th century) reported that a Shamakhi ruler had a horse-cloth made of golden threads, which was decorated with pearls and jewels.


Constitutional Act "about the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated October 18, 1991, gave the start to a new period in the history of our country - the beginning the process of the development. Azerbaijan people established the first Democratic Republic in the East in 1918 and could regain its state independence at late 20th century. In his order "to spend 80 years anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan" from January 30, 1998, the national leader of Azerbaijan people Heydar Aliyev said: "Declaring about its independence the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan established its first democratic state and proved the will of our people".
The Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan lived in tense and difficult social-political condition within and abroad the country. Measures taken by this state in short time left deep track in the history of our people. Equal rights of everybody despite the nationality, political and religious attitude and gender, determination of the state borders, adoption of the state attributes of Azerbaijan, the declaration of native language as the state language were the stable basis for future independence of Azerbaijan. Democratic state system, measures taken in the spheres of economy, culture, education and military organization reflect the achievements of 23 month activity of the democratic Republic of Azerbaijan.


These terrible events must get their
political and legal assessment as
the crime against the entire humanity.
Heydar Aliyev
-…He cut the stomach of a pregnant woman and took the baby out of the flesh. Then he put the cut off head of the dead woman's husband into her stomach and sewn it…
-He folded the child into a green flag and poured kerosene on it and burnt it.
-He forms the children frightened to death into the columns and tried to cut off their heads with one movement of his sword. They die with the expression of terror in their eyes.
-… the explosions in the airports, tourism bureaus, embassies, streets, business centers: dead people everywhere. Scream and blood, moaning and curses.
He is satisfied. Is he a human being?
To date he has a bacteriological and chemical weapons. He can even reach the nuclear weapon as well. It does not matter for him which flag and which weapon he will use in people terminating. The main thing is that he is the object of attention.
From time to time he recalls: 1886, Geneva, under the shelter of socialism he decided to terminate Turks and Kurds in any desirable conditions. In Eastern Anatolia he killed a million of people. What caused such barbarism? The people whose blood covers him practice Islam.


Territory  Neighbours  
86,6 thousand square km (forests 12%, water basins 1.7%,
sown area 54,9%, including 31.1 % pastures and hayfields, 31.4% other lands). The country extends between longitude 44° and 52° east and
latitude 38° and 42° north,
Baku situated at the parallel of 40°.
It borders with Iran (765 km) and Turkey (15 km) on the south, Russia (390 km) on the north, Georgia (480 km) on the north-west and Armenia (1007 km) on the west.
Distance from Baku to North Pole is 5550 km, to the equator 4440 km.The length of the largest area of Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan sector is 456 km.  


The Armenia's claims on Azerbaijani lands, as well as the Upper Karabakh formed pars of its strategy of the establishment of the Great Armenia. Therefore, Armenia always tried to make use of favorable conditions to achieve their goals. When pro-Armenian M.S.Gorbachyov was elected the head of USSR in 1985, Armenians intensified their activity again.
The support and protection of the Soviet government to armed Armenian separatists was coming to light during that period. In order to implement his mean plans connected with the autonomous province of Nagorno Karabakh, Mikhail Gorbachev distanced the most important obstacle - Heydar Aliyev - from the political bureau. After that Armenian academician A.Aganbekyan of Gorbachov's grouping, reported that he had made a proposal to the Soviet leadership concerning the Upper Karabakh and expressed hope that the problem will find its solution in the conditions of democracy and reconstruction.
Once underground Armenian Committee for Karabakh and its terrorist organization Krunk (Crane) in the Autonomous District of Upper Karabakh started operating openly and the movement Miatsum movement was formed at that time. This movement was backed by Armenia, Autonomous District of Upper Karabakh, Moscow leadership and the potential of USSR and world Armenians. The events acquired more aggressive form in 1988. The wave of meetings of separatists and Armenian nationalists captured Yerevan and Stepanakert in February.
The session of the council of Autonomous Upper Karabakh District appealed to the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan SSR for consideration of the status of the district February 20.


Garabagh is one of the ancient regions of Azerbaijan. The name of this inseparable part of Azerbaijan consists of two different Azerbaijani words: "gara" (black) and "bag" (garden). The combination of these two words is as ancient as the nation of Azerbaijan. The association of these two combined words with the definite part of Azerbaijan in every part of the world is an oracle. The word Karabakh given by the Azerbaijan nation to a part of their native lands was used for the first time 1,300 years ago (in the 7th century)!?. At first, Karabakh was used as a historical-geographical definition, but it later transformed to cover a larger geographical area. By the way, this aspect is very typical for Azerbaijan: Nakhchivan city - Nakhchivan region, Sheki city - Shaki region, Ganja city - Ganja region, Lenkoran city- Lenkoran region and etc.
The history of the formation of Garabagh as a name of one particular region, provides a better scientific explanation for its etymology. Because the word "gara" has other meanings in Azerbaijani language (also in other Turkic languages) as well - such as "sih" (dense), "galin" (thick), "boyuk" (big, large), "tund" (strong), and others. From this point of view the term Karabakh gets such meanings as "gara bag" (dark garden), that is "boyuk bag" (a large garden), "six bag" (a dense garden), "galin bag" (a thick garden), "safali bag" (a picturesque garden) and others. Thus, the word "Karabakh" belongs to Azerbaijani people as Karabakh does itself.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


The historical territories of Azerbaijan, bordered on the Great Caucasus from the North, the Alagoz chain, the basin of the lake Goycha and the Eastern Anatoly from the west, the Caspian Sea from the East and Sultaniye-Zanjan-Hamadan from the south, is a place of the primary cultures which gave the start to modern civilization. In those territories historically belonged to Azerbaijan people they established rich distinctive culture and the state system.
Sounding of 'Azerbaijan' regularly changed along the history. Historical sources reflect former names of Azerbaijan as Andirpatian, Atropatena, Adirbijan and Azirbijan.
The history of ancient Azerbaijan is built on archeological, ethnographic, anthropological and written historical resources. Archeological funds gave the excellent opportunity to study the history of material culture of Azerbaijan, while ethnographic materials revealed in historical sources and expeditions inform about traditions, material-moral culture, former forms of ruling, family relations, etc.
Archeological excavations in the territory of Azerbaijan Republic revealed patterns of rich material culture related to the first human settlement. Based on the abovementioned the territory of Azerbaijan has been referred to the areas of first human formation. Most ancient archeological and paleontological materials recently found in the territory of Azerbaijan prove that first primitive men settled here 1.7-1.8 million tears ago.
The territory of Azerbaijan is rich with archeological monuments which prove it to be one of the regions of the primitive men's first settlement. Archeological finds of the caves of Azikh, TAglar, Damjili, Dashsalahli, Gazma(Nakhchivan) and other monuments, the shin-bone of the most ancient Azikh man (Azikhantrop) lived 300-400 thousand years ago in the Age of Asheul prove the abovementioned theory.


Today, we would like to talk about a miraculous country of Azerbaijan with its unlimited natural resources, centuries-old culture, history and ancient people, whose lifestyle presents a unique and harmonious combination of the traditions and ceremonies of different cultures and civilizations.
Azerbaijan is a geographical name. On the one hand this name is linked with the population, which lived in this region for thousand of years before our era, and who were mostly fire-worshippers. Local population considered that fire was their God and so they worshipped the fire. "Azer" means fire. The Turkic name "Azer" was used for this territory for a long time. The word "Azer" consists of two parts - "az" and "er". In Turkic languages, "az" means a good intention and a fate of success. Thus, the word "Azer" means "a brave man", "a brave boy", "the fire keeper". The word "Azerbaijan" originates from the name of an ancient Turkish tribe, who resided in those territories.
Azerbaijan is one of the most ancient sites of humankind. The humankind was present here at every stage of their historical development. There were living settlements in Azerbaijan even at the earliest stages of humankind. Azerbaijan made its own contribution into the establishment of the current culture and civilization, progress and dialectics.
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